During my time at USC, I have taught in the (1) undergraduate program (2) daytime and PM MBA programs, and (3) Ph.D. program. I also guest-lectured in multi-disciplinary programs.
My overall teaching philosophy is consistent across these different topics and audiences: in order to deeply understand and then apply knowledge in new contexts, learning must be grounded in verified concepts and principles. In the (perhaps overused) words of Kurt Lewin “There is nothing so practical as a good theory”. I find it important that students acquire, understand, and utilize substantive knowledge and use analytic skills to approach marketing problems.
While grasping relevant theories is no small feat, it is necessary but not sufficient to student learning. Even more important is that students understand when, where, and how these principles apply to specific problems. I see my charge as one of supporting students as they develop a thoughtful understanding of the subject matter and become fluent at translating generalized principles to the analysis of specific problems they may face as marketers.
MKT 450 Consumer Behavior and Marketing (undergrad, Fall)
MKT 525 Consumer Behavior (Master, Fall)
MKT 618 Consumer Behavior and Decision Making (Ph.D., Spring even years)
BUAD 493 Honors Research Seminar (Spring)
BUAD 494 Honors Research Seminar (Fall)
- University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
- Cait Poynor (2008, University of Pittsburgh), co-chair with Stacy Wood
- MSI 2006 Alden G. Clayton Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Competition, Honorable Mention.
- 2014 Ferber Award, Honorable Mention.
- Cait Poynor (2008, University of Pittsburgh), co-chair with Stacy Wood
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Hae-Eun (Helen) Chun (2009, Cornell University, SC Johnson College of Business, The Hotel School), co-chair with Debbie MacInnis.
- Aarti Ivanic (2010, University of San Diego), committee member.
- Young Han (2011, University of Alberta), committee member.
- Francesca Valsesia (2018, University of Washington), co-chair with Joseph Nunes.
- A. Howard/ AMA Doctoral Dissertation Award, Honorable Mention
- Jennifer Lee (2020, expected), co-chair with Lisa Cavanaugh.
- Gizem Ceylan-Hopper (2021, expected), chair
- Chaumanix Dutton (2021, expected), chair 10
- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- Alixandra Barasch (2016), committee member.
- University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
- Lauren Min, (2017), committee member
- University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
- Megan McLeod, Honor Thesis (advisor, Fall04-Spring05)
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
- Lilian Aluri, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2017).
- Chloe Arriaga, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2017).
- James Compagno, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2017).
- Chenchen Sun, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2017).
- Gabrielle Bettan, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).
- Dominique Dankwa, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).
- Pengkai Hong, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).
- Sabrina Scott, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).
- Sabrina Ouellette, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).
- Yongyi Wu, Honor Thesis (advisor, 2018).